Bismil is an upcoming drama series on ARY Digital, produced by IDream Entertainment. Directed by Ahsun Talish and written by Zanjabeel Asim Shah, the show features a star-studded cast including Hareem Farooq, Sawaira Nadeem, Shaheen Khan, and Nauman Ijaz.
Bismil Story
The story centers on a cunning middle-class girl who aims to get rich quickly by using shortcuts. Hareem Farooq plays the lead female role, while the veteran actor Nauman Ijaz takes on the male lead.
ARY Digital recently released an intriguing trailer and teaser showcasing Hareem Farooq’s character. The trailer provides a comprehensive glimpse into the drama’s plot. Hareem Farooq looks stunning and her portrayal of a clever girl appears flawless. Bismil is one of Hareem Farooq’s most anticipated mainstream dramas. Last year, she starred in 22 Qadam, which aired on Green Entertainment. Bismil will replace the drama series Radd.
Fans are thrilled about the trailer of this upcoming ARY Digital drama, which promises a strong cast and an engaging storyline. They are also praising Hareem Farooq’s performance in this new project.
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