“Non Negotiable” is a 2024 Mexican action-thriller movie. The story follows Alan Binder as he tackles the challenging case of a presidential kidnapping and his lover. This film offers a perfect blend of thrill, romance, and entertainment.
Non Negotiable 2024 Movie Cast
Mauricio Ochmann: An American-Mexican actor known for his prominent roles in numerous hit movies and series. Previously married to actress Aislinn Derbez until their divorce in 2020, Mauricio has two daughters. His recent successes include “Give Me Your Eyes” and “All the Places.”
Tato Alexander: A talented Mexican actress and model who stars in the lead role of this movie. She began her career in 2011 and is best known for her roles in “The Most Beautiful Flower” and “How to Survive Being Single.”
Geraldine Zinat: An actress who entered the entertainment industry in 1998, featuring in many leading roles. Her most popular series include “Hotel Cocaine,” “Barbara’s Sins,” and “La Doña.”
Fernanda Borches: A 39-year-old Mexican actress and model who plays the supporting role of Pamela Lorenzon. She is renowned for her performances in “The Surrogacy” and “Vencer el Pasado.”
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