“Woh Ziddi Si” is an upcoming drama set to premiere soon on Hum TV. With a captivating cast and storyline, it promises to keep viewers hooked from start to finish. The drama, written by Sidra Tul Muntaha Jilani and directed by Nadeem Siddiqui, will air daily. Here’s a closer look at the talented cast:
Woh Ziddi Si Cast
Cast Member |
Ali Abbas |
Shazeal Shoukat |
Danial Afzal Khan |
Aina Asif |
Waseem Abbas |
Farah Sadia |
Ghazala Butt |
Mahnoor Malik |
Abbas Ashraf |
A highly skilled actor with a background in a Hollywood family, Ali has made a name for himself in the drama industry. Known for his versatile roles in dramas like Badzaat, Ghissi Pitti Mohabbat, and Dil e Nadan, he will be playing the lead in Woh Ziddi Si.
A young talent who has impressed audiences since her debut, Shazeal balances her life between Pakistan and Canada. She has taken on both positive and negative roles and will portray a positive character in this drama, marking a new chapter in her career.
A well-known actor, Danial is expected to play a romantic role in Woh Ziddi Si. He is selective about his roles and carefully chooses projects that allow him to shine.
Currently one of Pakistan’s youngest stars, Aina made her debut in Hum Tum and quickly became a fan favorite. Despite her young age, she has taken on significant roles, including her standout performance in Mayi Ri. Aina plays a key role in Woh Ziddi Si.
Waseem Abbas
A veteran actor with a career spanning over four decades, Waseem Abbas is known for his powerful performances and strong screen presence. He is a cornerstone in any drama he joins, and Woh Ziddi Si is no exception.
An accomplished host and actress, Farah has been a dominant figure in morning shows and dramas. She is making a strong comeback in acting with Jafaa and will also appear in Woh Ziddi Si. Farah is now regularly appearing in dramas following her return.
A senior actress with extensive experience, Ghazala has played a wide range of roles throughout her career. She will be part of the Woh Ziddi Si cast.
A rising star, Mahnoor has previously appeared in Meesni and Sultanat. She is set to make an impact in Woh Ziddi Si.
The brother of renowned actor Imran Ashraf, Abbas is also an actor and will be joining the cast of Woh Ziddi Si.
Woh Ziddi Si Schedule
Drama will air on Hum TV from Friday to Sunday.
Woh Ziddi Si Timing
The drama will air at 9 p.m.