“Kleo” is a popular German action-thriller series. The first season premiered in 2022, and Season 2 is set to release on July 25, 2024. The story follows Kleo on her mission to destroy a mysterious red suitcase. The talented cast, with their exceptional acting, brings excitement and entertainment to the series. Directed by Isabel Braak, “Kleo” features a standout ensemble.”
Kleo Filming Location
Season 2 of “Kleo” was filmed in Berlin, Germany, showcasing the country’s beautiful historical sites. Another filming location is Belgrade, Serbia, adding an international dimension to the story.
Kleo Cast
Jella Haase, a 31-year-old German actress and model, stars as Kleo. Her emotive and action-packed performance has captivated viewers. Haase is also known for her roles in “Dear Thomas,” “Caged Birds,” and “Cocoon.
Dimitrij Schaad returns as Sven Petzold in Season 2. Schaad, a 38-year-old talented German actor, is currently single and has not publicly discussed his relationship status. He is recognized for his work in “Skin Deep” and “Killing Eve.
Julius Feldmeier, a 37-year-old renowned German actor, director, and social media influencer, plays the main role of Thilo. Residing in Berlin, Feldmeier continues his acting career with notable roles in movies and series like “Tatort” and “Testo.”
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