Kaffara is a new Pakistani drama series that premiered on July 27, 2024, on HAR PAL GEO. Produced by Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi under 7th Sky Entertainment, the show is directed by Muhammad Iftikhar Iffi and written by Shafia Khan. The series stars Ali Ansari as Salar, Laiba Khan as Sitara, and Zoya Nasir as Nimi.
Kaffara Story
The story revolves around Sitara, a cheerful orphan living with her brother, aunt, and uncle. Despite her aunt’s harsh treatment, Sitara remains upbeat, as her aunt keeps her around solely for her share in the family property.
Salar, the son of a wealthy businessman, loves photography, a passion that often attracts criticism from his family. Known for his kind heart, Salar tends to avoid his responsibilities. During her cousin’s wedding, Sitara mistakes Salar for the photographer, leading to their first interaction. As Salar witnesses Sitara’s mistreatment by her family, he starts to care for her.
Their growing friendship faces challenges as a conspiracy arises, leading to objections about their closeness. Salar avoids addressing the issue, leaving Sitara to deal with the accusations and doubts from her family alone. The drama raises questions about whether Sitara can prove her innocence and if Salar will support her in overcoming the mistreatment.
Several pivotal questions drive the story: Will Sitara’s family support her, and will Salar show that he genuinely cares for her? Additionally, viewers wonder if more plots will arise against Sitara and how she will navigate them. With its engaging storyline, Kaffara promises to be a compelling drama filled with emotion, conflict, and the quest for justice.
Kaffara Cast
Ali Ansari as Salar
Laiba Khan as Sitara
Zoya Nasir as Nimi
Aliya Ali as Saba
Aliya Ali as Saba
Yasir Shoro as Salman
Junaid Akhtar as Ehtisham
Fawad Jalal as Junaid
Raeed Muhammad Alam as Qasim
Zohreh Amir as Zoya
Sadaf Aashan as Shahida
Rashid Farooqui as Shaukat
Bakhtawar Khan as Sahiba
Annie Zaidi as Mehreen
Usman Peerzada as Tahir
Reham Rafiq as Kiran
Nazlee Nasr as Najma
Mohsin Gillani as Mirza Sahab
Shaheen Khan as Suraiya
Sami Khan as Zohaib
Sajida Syed as Zaira
Fareeha Jabeen as Khala Bi
Shabana Shaikh as Zehra