According to Indian media, Deepika Padukone’s net worth has reached 500 crore Indian rupees. She charges 15 to 20 crore rupees per film.
The report mentioned that Deepika Padukone increased her annual fee last year, which is now 112.8 crore rupees. She is one of Bollywood’s highest tax-paying celebrities, paying 10 crore rupees in taxes from 2016 to 2017.
Besides acting, Deepika Padukone also models for various brands, charging 8 crore rupees per advertisement. She owns an apartment in Mumbai’s most expensive building and, in 2021, bought a bungalow worth 22 crore rupees in Mumbai’s coastal area with her husband, Ranveer Singh.
The report also stated that Deepika earns money by investing in various sectors.
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